Sometimes your life is split by a single decision.A Thousand Letters
I’ve spent every day of the last seven years regretting mine: he left, and I didn’t follow. A thousand letters went unanswered, my words like petals in the wind, spinning away into nothing, taking me with them.
But now he’s back.
I barely recognize the man he’s become, but I can still see a glimmer of the boy who asked me to be his forever, the boy I walked away from when I was young and afraid.
Maybe if he’d come home under better circumstances, he could speak to me without anger in his voice. Maybe if I’d said yes all those years ago, he’d look at me without the weight of rejection in his eyes. Maybe if things were different, we would have had a chance.
One regretted decision sent him away. One painful journey brought him back to me. I only wish I could keep him.
*A contemporary romance inspired by Jane Austen’s Persuasion*
Staci Hart
Ano: 2017
Ano: 2017
PĂ¡ginas: 282
Idioma: inglĂªs
Editora: Promise Socks Publishing
Idioma: inglĂªs

Editora: Promise Socks Publishing
" I found light and truth in the darkness, hiding there where I couldn't see, right in front of me the whole time."
Another book that reminded me of a song, Photograph, by Ed Sheeran
"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive "
That's how I felt the pain of protagonists...
Elliot is a sweet, gentle, loyal girl to whom she loves, suffers in silence for having taken an attitude that she regrets in the past and ends up resigning herself to a life without expectations, without grace. She is resigned to her fate and simply has no strength to fight for any of her former dreams.
"How could I tell him my soul had been shredded adn thrown to the wind?"
Wade is a perfect anti hero, serious military man, broken and tormented by his past that has hardened his heart and is resentful for having been rejected by Elliot seven years ago when he dreamed that he might have found his Forever. He returns to his city to help his father who is sick, but he does not imagine that he is to face the worst battle of his life.
As soon as I saw that this book was inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion, my favorite book by this author, I did not think twice about picking up and it was amazing how Staci Hart adapted the story so well giving a totally new, contemporary and full of surprises.
Sorry! There is no way to read the book without comparing the plots and Staci Hart remained quite faithful to the basis and various elements of Jane Austen's story, especially to a detail in the end which made all the difference for me to return the star that Wade had made me take Of the book... hahahahaha... because from the middle to the end of the book the guy annoyed me deeply.
The story shows Elliot's maturation from facing of a situation she did not want to happen but had to. Look! I've never been so in love with a female character. I wear the shirt #teamelliot and I fought hard to get through your moment of conflict and show all your strength. She was fantastic!
Wade is not so bad. He had to confront everything he wanted to leave hidden behind his mask of coldness to wake up from his trance of rancor and selfishness, in several moments, I almost entered in the tablet to give a good spanking in his face... thanks God, then he redeemed himself... Lucky for him to have a very wise friend like Ben and a sister who loved him like Sophie. Both were important pieces in the lives of the protagonists.
So beautiful the love story of Elliot and Wade that I'm in the biggest hangover now... OMG!
I loved the poems I read too much for Rick, Wade's father, and also the poems that open each chapter always related to the moment of the story.
"In life (unlike death) there are few constants:The sun will rise;Your lugs will breath;Your heart will love. "M. White
I love so very much the cover with that girl so distressed and sad near a boy that tries to saty near her when he can't. Beautiful!
Em portugĂªs
Outro livro que me fez lembrar uma mĂºsica, Photograph, de Ed Sheeran
"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive"
Foi bem assim que senti a dor dos protagonistas...
Elliot Ă© uma garota doce, suave, leal a quem ama, sofre em silĂªncio por ter tomado uma atitude de que se arrepende no passado e acaba se resignando a uma vida sem expectativas, sem graça. estĂ¡ conformada com seu destino e simplesmente nĂ£o tem forças para lutar por nenhum de seus antigos sonhos.
" How could I tell him my soul had been shredded adn thrown to the wind?"
Wade Ă© um rapaz bom, filho dedicado, militar sĂ©rio, quebrado e atormentado por seu passado que endureceu seu coraĂ§Ă£o e estĂ¡ ressentido por ter sido preterido por Elliot hĂ¡ sete anos atrĂ¡s quando sonhou que poderia ter encontrado seu Para Sempre. Volta para sua cidade para ajudar seu pai que estĂ¡ doente, porem ele nem imagina que estĂ¡ para enfrentar pior batalha de sua vida.
Logo que vi que este livro foi inspirado em PersuasĂ£o, de Jane Austen, meu livro preferido desta autora, nĂ£o pensei duas vezes em pegar e foi surpreendente a forma com Staci Hart adaptou tĂ£o bem a histĂ³ria, dando uma roupagem totalmente nova, contemporĂ¢nea e cheia de surpresas.
Desculpe! NĂ£o tem como ler o livro sem comparar as tramas e Staci Hart permaneceu bastante fiel Ă base e a vĂ¡rios elementos da histĂ³ria de Jane Austen, principalmente a um detalhe no final que, para mim, fez toda diferença para devolver a estrela que Wade tinha feito eu tirar do livro hahahahaha pois do meio para o final do livro o cara me irritou profundamente.
A histĂ³ria mostra todo o amadurecimento de Elliot diante de uma situaĂ§Ă£o que ela nĂ£o queria que acontecesse, mas que precisa enfrentar. Olha! Nunca me apaixonei tanto por uma personagem. Vesti a camisa #teamelliot e torci com todas as forças para que ele superasse seu momento de conflito e mostrasse toda sua força. Ela foi fantĂ¡stica!
JĂ¡ Wade, nem tanto. Ele precisou confrontar tudo o que ele queria deixar escondido por trĂ¡s de sua mĂ¡scara de frieza para acordar de seu transe de rancor e egoĂsmo, em vĂ¡rios momentos, quase entrei tablet a dentro para dar uma boa surra no cara. Graças a Deus, depois ele se redimiu... Sorte dele ter um amigo muito sĂ¡bio, como Ben, e uma irmĂ£ que o amava, como Sophie. Ambos foram peças importantes na vida dos protagonistas.
TĂ£o linda a historia de amor de Elliot e Wade que estou na maior ressaca agora... Socorro!
Amei demais os poemas lidos para Rick, pai de Wade, e tambĂ©m os poemas que abrem cada capĂtulo sempre relacionados ao momento da histĂ³ria.
" In life (unlike death) there are few constants:The sun will rise;Your lugs will breath;Your heart will love. "-M. White
Beijos, Myl
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