All The Little Lights
Ano: 2018
PĂ¡ginas: 300
Idioma: inglĂªs
Editora: Montlake Romance
Resenha em portuguĂªs
A primeira vez que Elliott Youngblood vĂª Catherine Calhoun ele Ă© apenas um garoto com uma cĂ¢mera na mĂ£o, e ele nunca viu uma imagem mais triste e mais bonita na vida. Tanto Elliott quanto Catherine se sentem rejeitados, mas facilmente criam laços de amizade um com o outro. Porem, no momento em que Catherine mais precisa dele, Elliot Ă© forçado a deixar a cidade.
Elliott finalmente retorna, mas ele e Catherine agora sĂ£o pessoas diferentes. Ele Ă© um atleta do ensino mĂ©dio e ela passa todo o tempo livre trabalhando no misterioso bed-and-breakfast de sua mĂ£e. Catherine nĂ£o perdoou Elliott por abandonĂ¡-la, mas ele estĂ¡ determinado a reconquistar sua amizade... e seu coraĂ§Ă£o.
Quando Catherine estĂ¡ pronta para confiar plenamente em Elliott, ele se torna o principal suspeito de uma tragĂ©dia local. Apesar das crescentes suspeitas da cidade, Catherine se apega ao amor dela por Elliott e um segredo devastador que Catherine enterrou pode destruir qualquer chance de felicidade que eles tenham conquistado.
Confesso que peguei o livro imaginando YA Romance, Ă© claro que temos um romance bem fofo nas mĂ£os mas nada preparou meu coraĂ§Ă£o para toda a tensĂ£o que enfrentei ao longo da leitura.
Elliot tem sĂ©rios problemas familiares e, ao se aproximar da garota com olhar tristonho da vizinhança, nunca imaginou que encontraria alguĂ©m tĂ£o linda e com um olhar tĂ£o triste. Como, desde o inĂcio, ele gosta de Catherine vai, aos poucos, fazendo de tudo para conquistar a confiança e amizade da garota. Eles vivem momentos mĂ¡gicos quando estĂ£o juntos, mesmo a vida continuando complicada.
Catherine Ă© uma garota doce e forte que tem sua vida destroçada quando menos espera e tudo desmorona bem Ă sua frente. Mesmo sentindo falta da amizade de Elliot, ela nĂ£o consegue perdoĂ¡-lo e nĂ£o permite que ele novamente se aproxime de seu coraĂ§Ă£o partido.
Mas Elliot Ă© persistente e novamente vai, passo a passo, penetrando nas muralhas construĂdas em volta de Catherine e essa amizade acabarĂ¡ novamente sendo fortemente testada quando a mĂ£e de ambos se colocam contra a aproximaĂ§Ă£o dos dois e um crime abala a pequena cidade.
Com uma escrita leve, Jamie McGuire aborda temas fortes como preconceito racial, bullying e transtornos de comportamento levando meu pobre coraĂ§Ă£o a sofrer a cada cena do livro, e pior, a ficar num estado de tensĂ£o tĂ£o grande que quase nĂ£o consegui dormir enquanto lia.
Narrado em primeira pessoa por cada um dos protagonistas, fui acompanhando as dores, dilemas e conflitos de cada um, alem de todo o envolvimento com as pessoas da cidade.
O livro traz uma trama envolvente e complexa com personagens bem construĂdos e reviravoltas surpreendentes. A ideia da capa e do tĂtulo foram bem explicados ao longo da trama, me fazendo gostar mais ainda do livro.
Book Review
Book Review
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jamie McGuire comes a riveting tale of first love that starts young but runs deep.
The first time Elliott Youngblood spots Catherine Calhoun, he’s just a boy with a camera, and he’s never seen a sadder and more beautiful sight. Both Elliott and Catherine feel like outcasts, yet they find an easy friendship with each other. But when Catherine needs him most, Elliott is forced to leave town.
Elliott finally returns, but he and Catherine are now different people. He’s a star high school athlete, and she spends all her free time working at her mother’s mysterious bed-and-breakfast. Catherine hasn’t forgiven Elliott for abandoning her, but he’s determined to win back her friendship…and her heart.
Just when Catherine is ready to fully trust Elliott, he becomes the prime suspect in a local tragedy. Despite the town’s growing suspicions, Catherine clings to her love for Elliott. But a devastating secret that Catherine has buried could destroy whatever chance of happiness they have left.
A Note From the Publisher
Jamie McGuire is the #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Walking Disaster, the Maddox Brothers series, the Providence trilogy, and the international bestseller Beautiful Disaster, which paved the way for the new-adult genre. She was the first independent author in history to strike a print deal with retail giant Walmart, and her work has been translated into fifty languages. She lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, with her husband, Jeff, and their three children. To learn more about Jamie, visit, or follow her on Twitter @JamieMcGuire.
I confess that I took this book by imagining a YA Romance, of course we have a very sweet love story in our hands but nothing prepared my heart for all the tension I faced throughout the reading.
Elliot has serious family problems, and as he approached the girl with the gloomy looks that lives in the neighborhood, he never imagined that he would meet someone so beautiful and with such a sad look. As from the beginning he likes Catherine and will gradually doing everything to win the trust and friendship of the girl. They live magical times when they are together, even life going on complicated for both.
Catherine is a sweet and strong girl who has her life shattered when she least expects it and everything collapses right in front of her. Even though she misses Elliot's friendship, she can not forgive him and does not allow him to approach her broken heart again.
But Elliot is persistent and again goes step by step penetrating into the built walls enveloped by Catherine and this friendship will again be heavily tested when the mother of both stand against the approach of the two and a crime shakes the small town.
With a light handwriting, Jamie Macguire tackles strong themes such as racial prejudice, bullying, and behavioral disorders, causing my poor heart to suffer at every scene in the book, and worse to being in such a state of tension that I could barely sleep while reading the book. narrated in first person by each of the protagonists, I was accompanying the pains, dilemmas and conflicts of each one besides all the involvement with the people of the town.
It brings an engaging and complex plot with well-built characters and surprising twists.
The idea of the cover and the title were well explained throughout the plot, making me like the book even more.
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